McClatchy Newspapers
Article from The Hawk eye
We are to love those who hate us, first by managing our anger toward them and second by helping them if we know they are in need.
The Scriptures say we should pray for our enemies and those who do evil to us. The psychology behind that is, over time, where our prayers go our heart will follow. If we pray faithfully that someone who hates us will have a blessed life, eventually we will really want that for that person.
It is my experience it also helps if we pray for ourselves, pray we will want to love that person who hates us. To love someone who wishes us ill usually takes a conversion on our part, and conversion happens most easily if we pray to want to change. Furthermore, behavioral psychology tells us if we change our behavior and act in a new way, our inner self slowly will conform to that external change. So if we treat the person who hates us with kindness, slowly we will feel kindly toward that person.
- The Rev. Pat Rush
Article from The Hawk Eye
Turn the hopelessness within you into a fruitful opportunity. By RIDO