Managing anger with creativity

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Article from The Wonder Woman.In

Only when her elder son Suvid started demanding money for parties, throwing tantrums and breaking things at home did Navina Jhasa face the fact that his behaviour was spiralling out of control. She sought professional help, which helped her evaluate her role as a parent in the scenario. "The four of us were pretty pre-occupied with our individual lives. Family gettogethers were few and our conversations were limited to shopping, unlike the frequent chit chats I used to have with my own parents. Kids these days live a high pressure life right from choosing the right clothes to the right shoes," says Navina.

When it was time to deal with her younger son Arsh's emotional tantrums, Navina was well prepared. Both brothers would spend hours watching wrestling matches on TV. "I decided that I really need to disengage them from the screen and engage them in constructive activities to create a new value system," says Navina. 

It was painting for Suvid that did the magic. "Now he paints with the backside of slippers, compass and scales which were initially tools of violence," she says. For Arsh, reading was the solution. So while painting calms Suvid, Arsh is engrossed in his joke books. Navina had learned to be continually imaginative when it comes to keeping her children engaged in creative activities "The activities that I have got my kids interested in have been the best anger management therapies for them." Recently she put them on to photography as well. 

Other changes also helped. Navina started involving the boys in doing small chores around the house. "You cannot do away with the peer pressure but you can make your children strong enough to face it," she says. The family also talks to school counsellors and keeps in touch with their teachers to ensure they know what's happening. "We make sure that we eat dinner together," says Navina.

Article from The Wonder Woman.In

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