UPDATED: 15:05 GMT, 8 March 2012
Article from Mail Online
Children at risk of descending into a life of crime and aggression can and should be identified at the age of two, according to the Government's 'discipline expert'.
Those children likely to 'go off the rails' should be sent to specialist behavioral institutions at the age of five to stop their bad behaviour escalating, said Charlie Taylor, whose report is likely to be endorsed in full by the Government today.
Taylor said nurseries should be able to spot children with behavioural issues and recommend them for specialist tuition to provide them with boundaries and social skills.
Mr Taylor said: 'Any child can go off the rails for a bit and what we need is a system that is responsive to them and helps them to get back on the straight and narrow.'
He said it was easier to tackle poor behaviour among young children because habits were less ingrained.
‘If you can see it coming when they are two or three or four or five, then that’s when we can intervene,’ he said.
The proposal is part of a package drawn up by Mr Taylor to improve provision for disruptive youngsters in the wake of last summer’s riots.
His report criticises low-quality referral units for excluded pupils, who received little training and treated their institutions as a 'holiday camp'.
As a solution, Taylor calls for the most disruptive children to be sent to special centres to learn how to control their anger and get on with classmates before starting formal school.
From the age of two, youngsters could be given intensive help from expert staff from outside their nursery, and in some cases sent to specialist nurseries.
From five, disruptive youngsters could be placed in pupil referral units, which will become more closely linked to schools.
Mr Taylor said the aim was to help children early ‘rather than waiting until they are throwing tables around when they are 14 or 15’.

Mr Taylor, the Government's 'discipline expert' is headmaster of the Willows School, in West London, which caters exclusively for pupils with behavioural and emotional problems
Following an inquiry, he found that too many pupils who have been kicked out of school are left languishing in so-called ‘sin bins’.
Mr Taylor, headmaster of the Willows School, in West London, which caters exclusively for pupils with behavioural and emotional problems, said: ‘Often these children are showing some quite extreme behaviours very early on, so very aggressive, violent.
'Also some difficulties around speech and language very often as well. Often not potty trained.’
Mr Taylor said young children should learn ‘simple social skills like asking for stuff without hitting people’.
‘It’s about training them how to be in school, how to behave properly in school, what the rules are, how to contain themselves, how to express themselves,’ he said.
In the report, published yesterday, Mr Taylor calls for an ‘increased focus on effective assessment and identification of children’s needs’.
It adds: ‘This should take place as early as possible and before a child’s behaviour has deteriorated to the extent that permanent exclusion is the only option.’
Pupils would be encouraged to return quickly to their mainstream classes instead of spending years ‘out of sight, out of mind’ in a referral unit.
Mr Taylor’s school has a nursery section which accepts up to eight children at a time aged between three and five.
‘The best thing that happens in my own school by actually the intervention we do with three and four-year-olds,’ he said.
Praising the programme in 2010, Ofsted said: ‘It is difficult to understand that, when they arrived, they had not been able to benefit from any other form of nursery.’
Under further measures unveiled by Mr Taylor, a new generation of teachers will be trained in managing disruptive behaviour. From September, new teachers will be allowed to do some training in referral units.
Mr Taylor said: ‘A new breed of teachers trained in specialist behaviour management will help improve alternative provision and then act as a specialist cadre of teachers sharing their skills with others in the profession.’
His report is expected to be accepted by Education Secretary Michael Gove today.
He also proposes allowing pupil referral units to apply for academy status and gain independence from local authorities.
Article from Mail Online
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